Tuesday, April 28, 2020

with music playing in my ears
i take one step at a time
towards something new
thinking times will change
seasons come and go
but hearts wont change
feelings touch and go
but minds wont change
light fades into the unknown
blurring the known
everything has a secret door
that ain't easy to unlock
not one that's easy to live in
yet judgement come easy
not knowing what lies behind
those eerie cold nights
while looking for a warm hand
we just endure as is
like any of us is
caught in our own web
seeing as far as we can
not knowing when it will end
this play we are a part of
are we the righteous one
are we the chosen ones
how did we come to this
could end in a blink
i keep wondering
with every step i take
with music playing in my ears
i wonder

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

in search of a rare blossom

in peace, chaos and in pink
we try to keep sight of
the symbols, metaphors
vested upon us by them
the influence, the stories
no matter, the mind or the heart
quietly pursue the done and the dusted
waking up to glorious moments
yet a mirage of the said
looms over the pristine
trying hard to make sense
of everything around, inside
engraved in me are ways
discovered by them
we all can pick our own
still we lay inert with eyes wide open
why seek a friend, foe a purpose
to stir up passion, a zest in life
why wait for a right time
to find the right in the wrong
they are limited by our sight
our mundane patterns of passivity
try to break-free and get scorned at
by the marshalls of society
created by us, defined by us
they move like stumbling blocks
I am on my own journey
free of a mind and reason
in search of a rare perfect blossom

Saturday, August 31, 2013

the road less taken

sometimes the roads less taken... are the ones that takes us back to re discovering the true essence of our being #mythoughtblurbondesign

discovering passion

wish some things were born out of sheer passion instead of applied logic, makes me respect the primeval times when discovery & passion went hand-in-hand #mythoughtblurbondesign

jello story

if only life came in a semi-transparent case like jello, we would know exactly what to expect without ever unwrapping .. but then, will jello be a jello? #LifeInColor #mindbogglers

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

one moment in time

my feet submerged in white sand
my eyes watching the sun rise
a fish swims to drop a hello
the cold waves move me
taking the shore sand along
opposites mirroring, reflecting
enchanted, they smile at each other
a silent rendezvous at the horizon
a union of the yin and the yang
an unspoken language
only an open heart can see
sometimes shallow, sometimes deep
yet mesmerizing and calling
touching all my senses
a chance, a leap of faith
takes me farther than I can imagine
feeling the wonder, the roots
of what lies beyond my understanding
that moment when it seems
in my grasp, the next I lose it all
no matter the closeness
still see the vastness in my mind
all that I pictured is real
has a life of its own
still cannot fathom the beauty
the strangeness of me in it
the closeness of it all
tasting the sand, the salt and my passion
absorbing the sun, the moon and the blue
soaking the scent in the air
 astound with zilch
one with the blue
one with the moment
one with myself
- jasmin 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

a new light

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. 

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant  gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doses not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the Glory of god that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. 

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

By Marianne Williamson

Friday, August 24, 2012

Finding new definitions

Yes! Everyone wants to be the first in every race but not experimenting in life. Well, not that I go out of my way to make this statement true but I do try it sometimes and it has worked wonders for my spirit and my esteem. There is a phase in life when one needs to make rational choices and I have done that too… Then there are days when one takes a break and simply forgoes all the fears and drowns into the sea of momentum… the rest of them are plain lazy to even get on their feet and jiggle… all one needs is a nudge and they are set to go .. what stops us from doing anything is lack of acceptance and that finger that points at you because you are different. I guess its time we shed the clothes of skepticism and just be the best that we can be … and that is …

 “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself.”  Harvey Fierstein

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fools rush in

I heard this song in a film titled 'Fools rush in' and I just fell in love with the lyrics. It resurrected my years as a teenager complaining and bragging about my folks, times when I fought with my angels over a silly remote, begging to help me out with my journals, whispering in the dark below the sheets after ma turned off the lights, gazing at the sky when all went asleep, aspired to be a doctor, then a writer and then an officer diving into the blue sky, lost and found I wondered like everyone else ...

Go ahead, you must read it too ...

When I was younger I believed, that dreams came true.
Now I wonder.
Cause' I've seen much more dark skies, than blue.
Now I wonder.
I keep on praying for a blue sky, I keep on searching through the rain.
I keep on thinking of the good times, will they ever come again?
Now I wonder.
Now I wonder.
I keep on praying for a blue sky, I keep on searching through the rain.
I keep on thinking of the good times, will they ever come again?
Now I wonder.
Now I wonder.
When I was younger I believed, that I could win.
Now I wonder.
There was a time when you and I, walked hand & hand.
Now I wonder.
I keep on searching for the old me, I keep on thinking I can change.
I keep on hoping for a new day, will I ever feel the same?
Now I wonder.
Oh I wonder.
Now I wonder.

by Chris Issak

with music playing in my ears i take one step at a time towards something new thinking times will change seasons come and go but heart...