Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Looking up to the sky
I keep walking towards the moon
With a twinkle in my eye
Certain to make it someday
If not the circular moon
At least to the conical stars
Trying to align myself to the nook and corner
Shedding off my clothes of understanding
Digging deep the plane of innovation
Kicking off the tears rolling down my cheeks
Tearing up myself to be a whole
Unlocking the locks of my mind
Will make it to the door of my heart
Given all the faith
All the convictions with which I glide
Into the arms of the quintessence
A passionate endeavor, you see
Seems like astray, the way that I chose
Gazing at the ups and downs
Stood tall in poise with elegance
Giving way to every stone that came my way
Having stepped on them
I would have missed the mystic moon
Calling out to me, willingly
Racing against the wind and the breeze
I follow the light within me
Can’t relate to the darkness around
How good can the terrible be to you?
The power of being yourself, dawned on to me
Sharing the peace within silence
Feeling every beat of my heart
Looking for a reason to my being
Enchanted by the rhythm of asymmetry
I keep walking towards the moon

This or That

The drop of mist on your face makes you look splendid, someone I would adore all my life and there is something about you that draws me closer to you that I can not explain, I can’t hold back my feelings for you, I can’t easily conceal my inhibition from you but all that I can possibly do is to let things be the way they are, I can make an effort to get out from this whole feeling of adoration just to realize that it is not the first step to love but just a mere attraction towards you that will change as time goes and then perhaps I will find a new face that draws my thought and there again I go down in the same trap of desires, hopes, and dreams that will keep chasing until I find you to whom I am not attracted because of the way you look but there is a bit about you that makes me feel special and wanted thus I fall for you hoping that you never part ways with me and you will be by my side all my life.

The gift of Abundance

Never acknowledged
This gift - plethora
Unnoticed like the depth
Of the dark nights
Eyes closed, you sail
So used to seeing
That is visible to your eyes
How can one wake you?
As you pretend
Asleep, is that so
It comes natural to see
You never learnt that, did you?
The herd follows the shepherd
Dare to raise a brow, a step ahead
Get classified and shun yourself
To that corner
So as to dawn on you
That you don’t belong
Here, this place
Forget to see
If not here then there
You can reside
You seek few
What about the rest
Exists a plethora
Need to look
Imagine beyond
Instead of harping
That same old tune
Where do they belong?
Me, you, us, them
Stop and push yourself
The river of abundance awaits you
Next time, I wont have to say
I beg to differ
Would you respect if I differ?

with music playing in my ears i take one step at a time towards something new thinking times will change seasons come and go but heart...