Saturday, August 31, 2013

the road less taken

sometimes the roads less taken... are the ones that takes us back to re discovering the true essence of our being #mythoughtblurbondesign

discovering passion

wish some things were born out of sheer passion instead of applied logic, makes me respect the primeval times when discovery & passion went hand-in-hand #mythoughtblurbondesign

jello story

if only life came in a semi-transparent case like jello, we would know exactly what to expect without ever unwrapping .. but then, will jello be a jello? #LifeInColor #mindbogglers

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

one moment in time

my feet submerged in white sand
my eyes watching the sun rise
a fish swims to drop a hello
the cold waves move me
taking the shore sand along
opposites mirroring, reflecting
enchanted, they smile at each other
a silent rendezvous at the horizon
a union of the yin and the yang
an unspoken language
only an open heart can see
sometimes shallow, sometimes deep
yet mesmerizing and calling
touching all my senses
a chance, a leap of faith
takes me farther than I can imagine
feeling the wonder, the roots
of what lies beyond my understanding
that moment when it seems
in my grasp, the next I lose it all
no matter the closeness
still see the vastness in my mind
all that I pictured is real
has a life of its own
still cannot fathom the beauty
the strangeness of me in it
the closeness of it all
tasting the sand, the salt and my passion
absorbing the sun, the moon and the blue
soaking the scent in the air
 astound with zilch
one with the blue
one with the moment
one with myself
- jasmin 

with music playing in my ears i take one step at a time towards something new thinking times will change seasons come and go but heart...