Thursday, July 20, 2006

When you are not around

Every second chases to be
A minute, then an hour
When you are not around
Never feel, felt or felt like
Saying a word
Gaped, eyes wide open
When you are not around
Frozen in mind and frame
Stood, stood and stood
Now and then
Round and round
Not a slightest of sound
Just the breath
Moving in and out
When you are not around
Still felt that morning chill
The vast expanse
Hovering on my head
Everything so comfortably numb
Your absence like vacuum
Momentum draws my attention
Just to realize all is still
When you are not around
Smiled in defeat
I got back to the same old
Grind of my mind

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with music playing in my ears i take one step at a time towards something new thinking times will change seasons come and go but heart...