Friday, August 11, 2006

As unique as you are

I proudly called myself a photographer, when I first held the camera in my hands. That was the early 90s, when mama wanted me to be a doctor and not a photographer. She would get furious, when I would ask her to get the rolls developed every now and was a costly affair thosedays. As a kid, capturing moments in that small box amused me.

Today, I am drawn to photography for various other reasons. Now, I not just capture a moment, but a frame that has a subject and a background that creates a meaning in itself.

Once, I was rushing down the stairs with the camera hung around my neck, to get myself an ice cream, and I fell over. The camera broke into pieces and, my exploration into the world of images met an abrupt end. That was the last time when I held the camera. My mom got a good reason not to get it repaired. She was being fair, and I had to abide by her. Left with no choice I forgot that I had once called myself a photographer.

In times of trouble, I remember papa saying,
All good things come back to you, have patience

His words came true and in 2004 I got a chance to hold the camera again. It was a Manual SLR camera which I had never seen before. It was bulky, ugly, and too technical. It also had a lens mounted on top of it. I was annoyed with so much physics attached with it. My math is poor and I never understood physics. Words like focal length, aperture, and shutter speeds, ISO settings, Depth of Field, hit my head hard and wounded my dreams. I cannot learn photography - that was my first reaction. I tried to keep up with all the physics half-heartedly and ignoring the disastrous results. I latched on, till I noticed something about photography.

A bunch of students were asked to shoot the same subject. I was also a part of it. After the shoot, I saw that the output was surprisingly distinct. Each one of us had a difference in the way they looked at the subject.

Every frame is as unique as you are

What I thought (subtracting technical details) was significant was of the greatest importance. This is when I realized that the technique and the settings can be learnt by anyone. But, what really makes a photograph unique, is your perspective.

Realizing that, my approach has changed and my photographs stand out among the rest. Ever since, I trailed on my path to be a photographer once again.

Each time I click a picture, I learn a something new. Maybe not just about the camera, but also, about myself. With experience and practice comes confidence. Learning is an on-going process. Gone are the days when photography was considered technical. The digital era has made photography simpler. The camera is intelligent enough to help you make the settings (Auto-mode).

What you need is an idea that tells a story. For me, photography is a mirror I see myself in. Every frame is a reflection of my perspective about life and my photographs a collage of my experiences. My photography defines my thought and my thought defines my photography; the colors that are predominant in my composition explain the facets of my mood.

God is in the details and photography a medium to showcase these details

Photography is simple.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Unexpected errors

Confidence is a sign of growth, while over confidence is the reason for most of the unexpected errors of our life.

Who does not like compliments?

I wake up to the morning light and walk up to my mirror and look at myself. My mind spells the magic words every woman loves to hear,

I am so beautiful.

I am lost in the moment and my favorite cell phone rings (usually) at the wrong time. I rush and I hear my man talking from the other side. I am half distracted and I hardly even listen to him. I hang up and I walk back to the mirror. The mirror smiles at me having me back. Who minds the company of a woman?
I shrug off, its time to show the world how beautiful I am. I get into the best outfit and the heels I bought just to match it right. All possible touch-ups to make myself look,The Modern Cinderella in town. I pose for the last time in front of the mirror.

Yes ! I look absolutely stunning and perfect (I murmur)

All the effort in front of the mirror has paid off well. The phone rings but this time its an unknown number. Never mind I am all set to talk (communicate) to the person calling. An old friend has remembered me on this beautiful day when I am feeling like a newborn and looking so good. I would love to sound good too.
Yes, who is this?
Oh! (Surprised) Yeah, I remember,it has been long since you called (I dont even remember him properly). Striking a conversation with someone you knew long back gets a little tough (Grrr). I manage the talk quite well like I carry off my high heels that adorn my feet.
I am expecting the man I love to confirm what I just saw in the mirror. I walk towards the glass door, I check myself for the last time and I walk in like a princess. He knows I was the one walking in; he turns and looks at my feet and then me. I am conscious and try to look sensuous, trying to flaunt myself (hardly do I know how to look sensuous, need to check The Cosmopolitan. How embarrassing?) I am waiting to hear the magic words.
Aah! I am tired; I try to walk across to move his gaze. He seems undisturbed and looks straight into my eyes. I am in a sheer state of despair; I calm down and look for a place to settle myself.

These dont fit your feet and this colour hardly suits you.

Outrageous! My heart broke into a million pieces. The morning spell was over and it is time to come to my senses. I was devastated, and I wanted to flee from there right away.

When I think about this incident in my life, I laugh at myself for being so stupid. Every woman has this innate desire to be loved, wanted, and accepted. Well who does not like compliments? Every one does and its genuine. I believe that appreciation is a form of motivation. Beauty and woman go hand in hand so woman want to look good. They try to look perfect but they forget their real self. In order to be accepted they tend to ape other women who are wanted by most of us. But we fail to understand that simplicity is beauty and who cares about the exterior beauty that will fade with time but the inner self that is not visible to everyone is what matters. If someone recognizes that inner self (beauty) of yours, he has touched your soul.
How long can you look at a flower, you will get blinded after a while but the fragrance (the essence of the flower) lingers in your mind forever.
Beauty is fleeting, why chase it when you cant hold on to it forever.
Every one of us has an individuality that we define and none can ape the grace that we own. Is there a need to fit into the clothes that are in fashion? Is there a need to speak slangs that you hardly understand? Is there a need for touch-ups that will be washed away in sweat making you look pompous?
I wish I had realized all this long back I would have saved so much time. I learnt it the hard way, I guess.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The start, middle & a pause

When did it all begin? When will it end?
I know not, all I am, struggling and juggling. To sail against the tide.
Tired with instability, randomness, and the uncertain.
Seeking an instant harmony. That moment of glory I can float in.
A thought I hardly understand. Not a second thought.
Am I the one that evolution is proud of?
I doubt with my gaze stooping, my intelligence drowning in shame.
Every vein of mine, cracking, to this chaos that I cant fathom.
I slowed down, finally, responding to my inner voice.
Still, like a log, I floated and I saw that what was there to see
The world that was ruled by the hidden harmony of confusion
There was light after darkness. Everything that passed by came by in a different form. Set in a new space and time. I thought I had out-grown with time. But hardly had I learnt and its time to unlearn
I had crossed that wave with all my might just to meet a new one
Disappointed I look at the laws of nature
I start all over again. My inhibitions left far behind, on my way.
The clock goes tick-tick-tick and I am short of breath, I loose all
Had I slowed down to let myself feel this bit
I would have been excused of all the guilt and pain, I once held to
How can I deny the minimal pleasures of pain that I once scorned at?
Days and night passed, memories faded. I sowed and reaped
I cried and laughed, I was happy and sad but never did I see
What I always saw, The Opposites. Turn by turn, I let go and I hold on.
Nowhere to be seen, unless I want to see it, the way it really works.
Spinning this wheel of confusion in harmony, I sailed, motionless.

with music playing in my ears i take one step at a time towards something new thinking times will change seasons come and go but heart...